Sugar Smart


Sugar Smart is a campaign which assists in raising awareness of sugar consumption, and helps to reduce this in both towns and cities. It aims to change the norm around unhealthy foods, attempting to reduce sugar intake. Exeter has recently signed up to this scheme, with companies aiming to assist on four main platforms:

  • Reducing promotions on unhealthy foods:
  • Making tap water freely available.
  • Increasing the availability of healthy food choices.
  • Introducing a voluntary sugary drinks tax through the Children’s Health Fund. 

It has been suggested that in Exeter itself, 40% of adults do not meet their minimum of five fruit and vegetables per day. Thus, eating behaviour is clearly an issue within Exeter, with this campaign working to raise awareness of the damages these behaviours have, consequently raising awareness and perhaps changing behaviours.

8th of June, 2017!


Jamie Oliver has campaigned for Exeter to go Sugar Smart. 

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